
Saša Varjačić

Electrical Engineer of Electronics, specialist control systems - BMS & EMP

Years working with Simes:

13 Years

Years in the Industry:

25 Years




VMA Belgrade – “Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings and

Renewable Energies in the District Heating Sector” 

Position: BMS engineer




Porto Montenegro 

Position: Responsible BMS & EMS engineer


Headquaters of Societe Generali Bank

Position: BMS Engineer




Born on November 22, 1964. in Belgrade, SFR Yugoslavia.
He finished primary and secondary school in Kragujevac.
Secondary school major: Electrical technician for electric drives.
Faculty: Military Technical Faculty Zagreb, SFR Yugoslavia, 1984-1989. year, as a scholarship holder of the Factory of Special Products Red Zastava – Kragujevac. Major: Automatic control systems